Breath analysis for disease
Breathomix is developing the BreathBase® Solution for the early detection of cancer, inflammatory and infectious disease.
Our Mission
Making breath analysis as routine in clinical practice as blood testing
Our Vision
Setting the standard in breath analysis for early detection and precision medicine—accessible from hospitals to homes
The BreathBase® Solution
For reliable and reproducible measurements of the complete mixture of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled breath.
BreathBase® Platform
From high-quality breath measurements to the generation and validation of diagnostic models and composite biomarkers.
BreathBase® Data
The world’s largest and dynamic database, filled with exhaled breath profiles and clinical data of patients with a known diagnosis.
About Breathomix
Breathomix is a leader in eNose technology and breath analysis, creating non-invasive diagnostic solutions to advance early disease detection and precision medicine across fields such as cancer, inflammatory, and infectious diseases. Our BreathBase® Solution enables reliable, reproducible analysis of the full spectrum of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled breath, driving high-quality research and diagnostics. From hospitals to home care, Breathomix is pioneering accessible breath diagnostics to transform patient care through innovative breath analysis technology.

Discover the latest clinical studies and publications:
Exhaled Breath Analysis for Detecting Interstitial Lung Diseases
PhD defence I.G. (Iris) van der Sar Promotor: Prof. dr. M.S. Wijsenbeek - Lourens Co-promotor: Dr. C.C. Moor Thesis: van der Sar,...
Detection of Systemic Sclerosis-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease by Exhaled Breath Analysis Using Electronic Nose Technology
Publication: E.R. Marges, I.G. van der Sar, J.K. de Vries-Bouwstra, T.W.J. Huizinga, P.L.A. van Daele, M.S. Wijsenbeek, C.C. Moor, and J.J.M....
Exhaled Breath Analysis Detects the Clearance of Staphylococcus aureus from the Airways of Children with Cystic Fibrosis
Publication: E. Seidl, J.C. Licht, R. de Vries, F. Ratjen and H. Grasemann. Exhaled Breath Analysis Detects the Clearance of Staphylococcus aureus...
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